My former colleagues at the Pew Research Center continue to publish the best research on the impact of the internet on American society, bar none. My fandom extends to creating a fact sheet summarizing their recent surveys about Americans’ data worries. The results are indications about what people think and feel about the shifting technology […]
social media
Fact sheet: U.S. teens and adults at the intersection of health and technology
In an earlier post I shared the history of the “fact sheets” I maintain about health and technology. I thought I’d share a few highlights from the grandmother of them all — key data points on U.S. teens and adults and their use of technology to pursue health. It is the first one I created when I […]
Helping people find the needle in a data haystack
One of the most important customer-service lessons I ever learned was from E-patient Dave: when it comes to disseminating research, give people what they need, not what you want to create. About a decade ago, Dave was on deadline to turn in slides for a presentation. He needed one key survey finding to illustrate a […]
Social media as a platform for hope
I’ve been thinking about how people react to a crisis. How, if we are lucky, we find ways to lend and borrow expertise to get through it. And how we lend and borrow courage. In the American South, there is something called the Cajun Navy, an ad hoc, informal group of people who use their […]
The business case for paying attention to teens
Three blockbuster reports focused on teens and technology have come out recently: Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018, by Monica Anderson and Jingjing Jiang (Pew Research Center) Digital Health Practices, Social Media Use, and Mental Well-Being Among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S., by Victoria Rideout and Susannah Fox (Hopelab and Well Being Trust) […]
Teens and young adults:
In their own words
The Hopelab/Well Being Trust report is based on a nationally-representative online survey which we designed to have as many open-end questions as we could squeeze into it. We were overwhelmed (in a good way) with the responses. Hundreds of teens and young adults shared vignettes about how they are managing their health, both physical and emotional, using mobile […]
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