My former colleagues at the Pew Research Center continue to publish the best research on the impact of the internet on American society, bar none. My fandom extends to creating a fact sheet summarizing their recent surveys about Americans’ data worries. The results are indications about what people think and feel about the shifting technology […]
Pew Internet
Credible, useful, helpful, trustworthy
Inspired by a conversation with my FasterCures colleagues, I began looking into survey data related to trust and credibility, particularly: What entities and resources do people turn to when they need advice about important topics? Edelman, a global communications firm, has been measuring trust and credibility for 20 years. Their most recent Trust Barometer asked […]
How might we push power out to the edges of the network?
Cambia Health Solutions’ podcast, HealthChangers, invited me to share a few lessons learned, both personally and professionally. Listen in or read the transcript (below): Leslie Constans: One of the things I wanted to kick off our conversation with was finding out a little bit about this idea of working at the intersection of health and technology […]
Fact sheet: U.S. teens and adults at the intersection of health and technology
In an earlier post I shared the history of the “fact sheets” I maintain about health and technology. I thought I’d share a few highlights from the grandmother of them all — key data points on U.S. teens and adults and their use of technology to pursue health. It is the first one I created when I […]
Helping people find the needle in a data haystack
One of the most important customer-service lessons I ever learned was from E-patient Dave: when it comes to disseminating research, give people what they need, not what you want to create. About a decade ago, Dave was on deadline to turn in slides for a presentation. He needed one key survey finding to illustrate a […]
Dr. Joe Kvedar interviewed me for his podcast, Well/Connected, and I thought I’d share footnotes for all the resources I mentioned. Key findings from the national survey of 14- to 22-year-olds focused on digital health and social media use, sponsored by Hopelab and Well Being Trust, which took a special look at people living with […]
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