Every post in my Wow! How? Health. series starts with a story that hopefully makes a reader say, “Wow! How did they accomplish this great health innovation?” The answer is often related to concepts I explore in my book, Rebel Health. Please let me know what you think or if you have questions. Comments are open. When […]
Wow! How? Social Support Matters
Most people, at the time of their diagnosis with a sleep disorder, do not know a single other person with the same condition. Yet peer support is an effective aid to this group, just as it has been shown to help people navigating pregnancy, living with diabetes, recovering from organ transplant, and managing many other […]
Case study: Recurrent fever
Anyone who has endured a multiple-day fever — or cared for someone with one — knows how exhausting it can be. Imagine experiencing nine weeks of a mysterious elevated temperature. Then nine MONTHS of what feels like a personal broken thermostat. And clinicians have little to no explanation besides plans for future tests. That’s the […]
Wow! How? In-your-face Expertise
This post is part of my LinkedIn series: Wow! How? Health. I welcome comments on either platform. Thirty-three years ago today, on September 5, 1991, activists unfurled a giant, inflatable condom over a U.S. Senator’s house. Don’t believe me? Watch a 30-second news clip or a 5-minute documentary about the action. It was a splashy way […]
Wow! How? Patient Memoirs
In his book, The Long Haul, Ryan Prior writes about his advocacy on behalf of people with ME/CFS: Though I had negotiated a fragile truce with the disease, my deeper fear was that it would eventually fully disable me, just as it had done for so many of my friends…At the edge of my every thought […]
Wow! How? Obesity Treatment
This post is part of my LinkedIn series: Wow! How? Health. Four in ten U.S. adults have obesity, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. That includes 9% of U.S. adults with severe obesity, which is defined as having a body mass index over 40. Shame and stigma compound their health problems. “You wear […]
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