LongCovid is an extraordinary challenge to the human body. It’s been met with an extraordinary response from the human spirit. As I wrote in a previous post, we are watching patients, caregivers, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers move through the stages of peer-to-peer health innovation at a fast clip. Faster than I’ve ever seen in my […]
Public Q&A: Patient registries
A community colleague asked for advice about how an organization can boost the signal for their patient registry. Recruitment levels are not what they expected and nowhere near what they need. I’m sharing what I wrote back so that others can chime in with their advice in the comments. First, look at what successful registries […]
A helping hand, just in time
Some years ago a few colleagues and I got stuck at Logan Airport and we started telling stories to pass the time. One tale has come back to me over and over again, particularly as I cared for my dad during his last year of life, because it reminded me to be open to the possibility […]
Case study: One in a million diagnosis
When we get sick or face a new challenge in our lives, we often feel alone, but we shouldn’t. There are people who have been in the same situation and are eager to help if they only knew how to find us. That’s one of my core beliefs, based on the fieldwork and research I’ve […]
Flashback: Announcing the Invent Health Initiative
I recently signed on as an advisor to a group of George Washington University students who are organizing a medical and assistive device hackathon on March 24-25, 2018, in downtown DC. Check it out if you live nearby! In pulling together resources for them, I found the memo I sent to senior leaders across the Department […]
Rare Disease Day
Today is Rare Disease Day, when we honor the millions of people who teach us what it’s like to live at the edges of the known world of medicine.
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