A loved one recently went over the cancer waterfall and I dove in after him, keeping his head above water long enough to say goodbye to everyone. It was an intense four weeks of caregiving – two in the hospital and two at home, in hospice. I am sharing one segment of our story to […]
Blue Button’s North Star
Blue Button is a Trojan horse for culture change in the American health care system. It places power in the hands of patients and whets the data appetites of millions of Americans and the companies who would like to serve them. If you’ve never heard of Blue Button, here’s a quick overview: The federal government […]
The White House Conference on Aging
The White House Conference on Aging only happens once every ten years — and it’s happening tomorrow. The program begins at 10 a.m. ET on Monday, July 13, and will be livestreamed: https://www.whitehouse.gov/live I’ll be on a panel in the late afternoon talking about technology and the future of aging, directly after Tim Brown and Barbara Beskind discuss […]
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