Brandeis University hosted a one-day symposium on aging, housing, health, technology, and other issues. Thanks to the people who captured these insights!
trends & principles
The online health revolution (it’s not too late to jump in)
Thanks to Joyce Lee, MD, for resurfacing this talk on Twitter today! In watching it again, I’m struck by how the data needs to be updated, but the insights don’t. Clinicians have not yet missed their chance to contribute to the online health revolution (nearly 4 years later)! The tools are going to change, but what […]
Flashback to the Future
One year ago this week I was in Sweden to deliver a talk at Almedalen, a festival of ideas held on the island of Gotland. This year, my community colleague John Nosta brought the latest in American ingenuity to the same event, telling the crowd that digital health is not a far-off promise, but instead […]
The Power of Connection
Technology enables the mission of U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). It widens access to information and tools and pushes power out to all parts of the network, from our colleagues in the federal workforce to our fellow citizens. At HHS, we seek to create a learning system that recognizes the potential of […]
Public Q&A: Online patient communities
A community colleague recently asked me where he might find the latest numbers on the percentage of U.S. adults who participate in online patient communities. In the spirit of “public Q&A” I’d like to share my answer and ask people to add tips about other resources in the comments. Up until July 2014, I led […]
The Value of Data
Health care is in danger of missing the point. (A repost from 2014 that’s relevant today thanks to announcements at HIMSS.) In 1999, when I was the editor of, the dot-com boom was in full swing. Money seemed to be gushing out of the Bay Area and some sharpies at U.S.News saw an opportunity […]
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