The Pew Internet/California HealthCare Foundation report, The Social Life of Health Information, is packed with new findings from a survey of 2,253 adults, including 502 cell-phone interviews, conducted in either English or Spanish. We spent a bundle of money on making this a random sample of the U.S. population, but guess who got a call […]
information therapy
Mobile could be a game-changer – but only for those who get in the game.–Susannah Fox
Original title: Health 2.0 meets Ix: Susannah Fox’s presentation Here are my prepared remarks for the “Navigating the New Health Care Delivery System” segment at the Health 2.0 meets Ix conference (with the lines I added to respond to other themes brought out during the conference in bold) “Is Health IT the answer? Only if […]
Participatory Democracy, Participatory Medicine–Susannah Fox
A sneak preview of my remarks at the “Health 2.0 meets Information Therapy” conference appears on the IxCenterBlog: Participatory Democracy, Participatory Medicine. A good discussion of the issues has already begun there and on The Health Care Blog.
Reducing Disparities, Spreading Improvement–Susannah Fox
Josh Seidman asks a very good question that goes toward our discussion of spreading improvement and the digital divide, “If [targeted] interventions… have been shown to have an enormous impact on the health of these populations, maybe Ix and related initiatives can be applied to a wide variety of challenges that underserved populations face — […]
Three Simple Rules–Susannah Fox
When in 2002 we came out with our bold new concept of “information therapy” I was sure that Tom would love the idea of doctors or health plans prescribing information to consumers. He didn’t. He was concerned that the prescribed information from clinicians would undermine the patient’s right or ability to search for information from other self-helpers…
…I think I am there—but then Tom might still not agree—for I still think that the self-help world will work better when the patient is also being prescribed information as a part of the process of care.
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