Press coverage of the Pew Internet Project’s recent report, “Information Searches That Solve Problems,” focused on how “libraries still matter” especially among young people. One aspect that I think merits further attention is how people interact with various information sources when they are dealing with a serious illness or health concern.
Talk of the Nation–Susannah Fox
I had the pleasure of being a guest on NPR’s Talk of the Nation yesterday, along with Dr. Scott Haig and Dr. Ted Eytan, to talk about “Do-It-Yourself Diagnosis on the Web.” (For a substantive summary of the show, check out Josh Seidman’s recap.) The producers were smart to kick things off with Dr. Haig’s […]
Three Simple Rules–Susannah Fox
When in 2002 we came out with our bold new concept of “information therapy” I was sure that Tom would love the idea of doctors or health plans prescribing information to consumers. He didn’t. He was concerned that the prescribed information from clinicians would undermine the patient’s right or ability to search for information from other self-helpers…
…I think I am there—but then Tom might still not agree—for I still think that the self-help world will work better when the patient is also being prescribed information as a part of the process of care.
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