The Unmentionables panel at Health 2.0 addressed issues we don’t talk about in public but which deeply affect our health and well-being. I posted the first set of videos last week — here is the second batch. Michael Painter, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, talked about his personal perspective on stress and building a culture […]
health 2.0
“We must redefine health to include life.” – Alexandra Drane
The first videos from the Unmentionables panel at Health 2.0 are up: Note that this video contains both the opening and closing segments — tons of wonderful research and insight courtesy of Alexandra Drane. Look out for our two surprise guests who share some fascinating data and very quotable quotes: “In health care we […]
Five years on: The Unmentionables of Health 2.0
Five years ago, Matthew Holt and Indu Subaiya bravely turned over their main stage to Alexandra Drane and a posse of thinkers, doers, and builders working on removing the real barriers to good health — all the stuff that nobody wants to talk about but which we know is at the center of people’s lives. Alex called […]
What if this was played on a loop in Times Square? What if every health conference displayed it on a screen at the front of the hall, to accompany every speaker? How might we prepare for what is coming? Thoughts, comments, inspiration, tips welcome in the comments!
Help the helpers
Please join me in honoring and learning from caregivers, first by watching Sarah Kucharski’s powerful, personal story: Second, watch my talk about the bigger picture and how people can help: Now: what’s your story? What roles do you see for caregivers in health care or in your own life? Please share your thoughts […]
Health 2.0: greatest hits of what I missed
Thank goodness for conferences which do a good job of capturing and sharing videos. So often I am choosing between sessions, talking with people in the hallway and missing a keynote or demo, or just failing to take notes. Here is a selection of people and talks I missed in person at the recent Health […]
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