Health 2.0 featured a panel devoted to the “new environment for better health care decisions.” I shared some new findings and I’d love to hear what you think: [Update: the video of my talk is now online.] Where I work, at the Pew Research Center, we use data to hold up a mirror to society so you […]
health 2.0
The unmentionables of health care
I plan to write more about my field trip to the future California, but for now here is the Storify I created about one incredible panel: Unmentionables 2013 at Health 2.0 Santa Clara. [<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “Unmentionables 2013” on Storify</a>]
The new environment for health care decisions
“The tools are in place. The culture is shifting to expect that people have access to information and each other. There is mounting evidence that connecting patients with each other and with their data can have a positive effect on health outcomes…” – Health Care Hackers I’ll speak today at Health 2.0 Santa Clara about […]
Taking care (what I’m reading)
The following articles stopped me in my tracks this week, not least because they relate to my last report, “Family Caregivers are Wired for Health.” Please share what you’re reading — or your thoughts about these articles — in the comments. 1. Dementiaville: How an experimental new town is taking the elderly back to their happier […]
How I choose which conferences to attend
I wrote this as a comment last year in response to a question about why Medicine X was so magical. I’m elevating it to a post thanks to encouragement from E-patient Dave and because I’d love to hear from other people about how they choose events to attend. 5 criteria I consider when I receive […]
Conference Season: Patients and Caregivers Welcome
We are deep into the fall conference season. One of my favorite trends is the increasing rate of inclusion of patients and caregivers at health care events, on stage or in the audience. The California HealthCare Foundation was a pioneer in this regard. Patients 2.0, an off-shoot of Health 2.0, and e-Patient Connections represent a […]
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