Continuing my practice of “flipping” an event — posting what I hope to get across in advance in order to jump start the conversation, here is a preview for a panel set to take place at 12pm on Friday, Oct. 19, in Boston. One of the maxims I carry with me into every meeting and […]
connected health
Is there hope for SMS health alerts?
Richard Fury, MD, of Kaiser Permanente emailed me recently, asking: “Is there any hope for SMS health alerts when patients are due for preventive care? As you know, patients want this, we want to provide this, but without symptomatic incentives adoption is poor. Thoughts?” I think there is hope for SMS health alerts targeting people […]
Video: The “e” is for engagement
The Center for Connected Health did a lovely job with their symposium videos, split-screening so you can see the slides. My speech is up, along with all the other keynotes: Full text (or a version of it) is available here, along with a discussion thread.
The e is for engagement
What if we redefined the Quantified Self movement to include everyone who keeps a pair of “skinny jeans” in their closet? What if the 85% of U.S. adults who own a cell phone understood that it’s potentially a tool for health tracking? What if everyone designing health care tools first talked with patients and caregivers […]
Keeping it real
Two high-tech health events were held last week — an East Coast-West Coast data-driven smackdown. I chose East, but my eyes kept straying West, and I am very thankful that the organizers for both are archiving the videos online. Here are a couple of stand-outs, first from Living By Numbers in New York City: Jennifer […]
Conference Season: Patients and Caregivers Welcome
We are deep into the fall conference season. One of my favorite trends is the increasing rate of inclusion of patients and caregivers at health care events, on stage or in the audience. The California HealthCare Foundation was a pioneer in this regard. Patients 2.0, an off-shoot of Health 2.0, and e-Patient Connections represent a […]
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