This essay is part of my LinkedIn newsletter series: Wow! How? Health. Brian Wallach and Sandra Abrevaya brought their second daughter home on the same day that he received a devastating diagnosis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Brian was told he had six months to live. Seven years later, Brian is still alive. He and Sandra […]
Katie McCurdy
Health data’s adolescence
I wrote a guest post for the Health Data Consortium — here’s the start of it: This year marks the 25th anniversary of Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s proposal to create what we now call the Web, the visual, hypertext organizing system which overlays the internet. The pace of internet adoption gathered speed once people could more intuitively […]
The e is for engagement
What if we redefined the Quantified Self movement to include everyone who keeps a pair of “skinny jeans” in their closet? What if the 85% of U.S. adults who own a cell phone understood that it’s potentially a tool for health tracking? What if everyone designing health care tools first talked with patients and caregivers […]
Visualize This: An e-Patient’s Medical Life History
The following was originally Katie McCurdy’s response to the excellent, ongoing discussion about the future for self-tracking. It’s too good not to elevate to a post of its own — Susannah. ____________________________________________________________________________ Katie’s self-crafted medical timeline (Click to enlarge; see story below) There is some recent thought that self-tracking or data gathering is “a manifestation of […]
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