This essay is part of my LinkedIn newsletter series: Wow! How? Health. Brian Wallach and Sandra Abrevaya brought their second daughter home on the same day that he received a devastating diagnosis: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Brian was told he had six months to live. Seven years later, Brian is still alive. He and Sandra […]
Casey Quinlan
Why I (finally) signed up for health data access
Christine Bechtel, Lygeia Ricciardi, Dave deBronkart, Casey Quinlan, and Donna Cryer published an article in Health Affairs this week: “Why Aren’t More Patients Electronically Accessing Their Medical Records (Yet)?” Please click through and read it — it’s open access. Being a health geek, I read footnotes and every link in this article is worth your time. Bechtel […]
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