Yoko Sen is a musician who, when spending time in a hospital as a patient in 2012, noticed that her cardiac monitor and another patient’s fall-risk alarm created a spooky chord known as the devil’s interval. Composers use it sparingly because it sounds so foreboding. Even in a weakened state, Sen began asking questions about […]
Larry Chu
Conference organizers:
Steal these ideas!
On February 21, Larry Chu, MD, announced that Stanford Medicine X would take a hiatus. He shared the following story: Eight years ago, I posted a tweet announcing my intention to launch my first conference at Stanford. I received a variety of responses, but the one that remains the most poignant is the one I received from […]
How I choose which conferences to attend
I wrote this as a comment last year in response to a question about why Medicine X was so magical. I’m elevating it to a post thanks to encouragement from E-patient Dave and because I’d love to hear from other people about how they choose events to attend. 5 criteria I consider when I receive […]
The magic of Medicine X
Stanford Medicine X ended on Sunday after three (very) full days. Larry Chu deserves much of the credit for what I like about Medicine X, an “academic conference designed for everyone.” E-patients made up 10% of the audience and I appreciated their participation on stage, at the microphones, and on Twitter. There were also clinicians, […]
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