The more we open access to the data, information, and tools people need to solve their own problems, the better. That’s the essential message of the research and consulting I’m engaged in these days, helping leaders to see the opportunities that spring, for example, from tapping into the zeitgeist of social platforms and new data […]
Better health, together
InquisitHealth is a company that truly understands that health is social. They are able to knit people and best practices together to create “better health, together.” What an inspiring story they share in this video about peer to peer health care! (If you are an email subscriber, be sure to click through to see this video […]
Half of 18- to 22-year-olds seek peer health advice online
A 2018 national survey by Hopelab and Well Being Trust uncovered an astonishing finding: Fully half (51%) of 18- to 22-year-olds say they have tried to find people online with health concerns similar to their own. That is double the percentage of teens (14- to 17-year-olds) who reported doing this activity and it’s much higher […]
Building the evidence base for peer health advice
Imagine an intervention that produces results like these: One-third of those living with chronic conditions are now more likely to take necessary medications. The risk of admission to a neonatal ICU during first year of life reduced by 63%. People with with poorly-controlled diabetes were able to achieve a 1.1-point reduction in their HbA1c. Each […]
The New York Times: “Sometimes Patients Simply Need Other Patients”
Aaron E. Carroll and Austin Frankt co-wrote an excellent article about peer-to-peer health care in The New York Times today. An excerpt: In an ideal world, when we are faced with a new health problem, a clinician is available to sit down and address all our questions and anxieties about the condition and its treatment. […]
What I’m reading, listening to, admiring…
I hunkered down at the library this week, working on a couple of long-term projects. I kept one eye on Twitter, though, as I always do, and wanted to share what distracted — and inspired — me this week: Radiolab: Worth — what would you pay for another month of life? How about a year? […]
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