Reddit is a massive Petri dish of human conversation, rife with peer-to-peer health encounters, so I was thrilled when Jane Sarasohn-Kahn alerted me to this article: “People Are Flocking to the Internet to Crowdsource Their STD Diagnosis—Yes, Really.” It focuses on a subreddit (aka online community) devoted to sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs). Kudos to Parade for […]
Half of 18- to 22-year-olds seek peer health advice online
A 2018 national survey by Hopelab and Well Being Trust uncovered an astonishing finding: Fully half (51%) of 18- to 22-year-olds say they have tried to find people online with health concerns similar to their own. That is double the percentage of teens (14- to 17-year-olds) who reported doing this activity and it’s much higher […]
What if information spread more quickly than a virus?
On March 11, the White House hosted an event to mark National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The event was livestreamed from and is archived on YouTube: I have written before about the unique nature of conferences concerning sexually-transmitted infections, but I didn’t expect to hear the same frank talk at a White […]
Going Viral Against HIV and STIs
The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, in partnership with, held a one-day forum on social media, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections (STI) that turned out to be an unfiltered discussion of love, truth, and technology. Why was it so smoking hot? And is this unique to conferences (or panels) about sexual […]
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