You might think, looking at the open tabs on my browser, that I’ve got death on my mind. And you would be right. My father passed away in December from melanoma. The end was about as peaceful as we could have hoped for, but it was still hard to watch. I spent most of what […]
end of life
This Thanksgiving, engage with grace
The following is a repost from 2012, one of the first examples of what would become my “featured commenters” series: I want to continue the Engage with Grace blog rally by highlighting my favorite comment thread about it, from a 2010 post on For me, this is what blogging is about — providing a […]
Public Q&A: How to support an introvert in an increasingly connected world?
All signs point to a social revolution in health. As I’ve put it, the internet gives us access not only to information, but also to each other. Crucial advice can come from a just-in-time someone-like-you as well as from a clinician. So what happens to people who are shy or introverted? If sharing and learning […]
“One person’s TMI is another person’s need-to-know.”
– Meredith Gould, aptly summarizing a key discussion point for our upcoming panel, “Communicating the experience of illness in the digital age.” (TMI stands for “too much information.”) We are flipping the panel, posting ideas and sparking conversations in advance so that when we arrive at Stanford Medicine X, the on-stage event will be one more […]
Hacking home health care
We need to fix the “solved problems” crisis in home health care. Let me explain. At the start of Health Foo* in December, everyone introduced themselves in 6 words or less. Row by row, person by person, 100+ people talked in turn. In the back row, nearly the last to speak, Laura Baldwin stood and […]
Engage With Grace
This Thanksgiving, I am hosting the guest post below, participating in the annual Engage With Grace blog rally, to encourage those who haven’t considered their end-of-life preferences start thinking about them, and asking those who have done it to consider how their decisions may have changed over time. It’s good food for thought. Wishing you […]
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