I filled out a form recently which asked: What motivates you to innovate? Without hesitation I typed in “Motherhood.” I had no idea that having kids would rewire my brain so fundamentally, but it did. A few posts to contemplate on Mother’s Day… Mothering Cal: What I learned from parenting a terminally ill child, by […]
end of life
“I’ll tell you what gloomy is…”
I want to continue the Engage with Grace blog rally by highlighting my favorite comment thread about it, from a 2010 post on e-patients.net. For me, this is what blogging is about — providing a public space for debate about ideas that matter to you. Treb wrote: I really think that a topic like end […]
Engage with Grace
A guest post from the Engage with Grace team… One of our favorite things we ever heard Steve Jobs say is… ‘If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.’ We love it for three reasons: It reminds all of us that living with intention is one […]
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