If you hate HIPAA, it’s your lucky day. Paul Ohm is handing you ammunition in his article, “Broken Promises of Privacy: Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization.” His argument: our current information privacy structure is a house built on sand. “Computer scientists…have demonstrated they can often ‘reidentify’ or ‘deanonymize’ individuals hidden in anonymized data […]
Happy Dogs in a Pile of Sticks (Spreading Improvement in Chronic Disease Care)
The California HealthCare Foundation’s Chronic Disease Care conference was so packed with great panels that I needed help choosing my targets. Here is the first in a series of posts about this event. Spreading Improvement: After the Innovators/Early Adopters
Crowdsourcing a Survey: Reassured? Overwhelmed? Eager? Confused?–Susannah Fox
The Pew Internet Project is finalizing our fall health survey and we are now in the painful cut phase. Here’s a question I’m hoping to save in a shorter form: At any point in your last search for health information online did you feel any of the following things? At any point, did you feel…?
Participatory Medicine, Connected Health–Susannah Fox
The Center for Connected Health’s 2008 Symposium was held in Boston on October 27-28, 2008. I gave a talk entitled, “Participatory Medicine: How User-Generated Media are Changing American Attitudes and Actions, Online and Off.” As always, the conversations I had with people after the speech were the best part of the event. Lena Sorenson, RN, […]
41% of Adults are “Activated Patients”
The Center for Studying Health System Change has released another information-packed report, How Engaged Are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter. The researchers created a “Patient Activation Measure” and apparently 41% of adults are what we might call e-patients (empowered, equipped, etc.).
Health Care Consumerism–Susannah Fox
The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions released a very interesting report on “Health Care Consumerism” which looks at five “zones” of activity: traditional health services, self-directed care, alternative and non-conventional health services, financing, and information seeking. I recommend checking out their report for a few reasons: 1) Many of their findings ring true to me. […]
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