Dr. Joe Kvedar interviewed me for his podcast, Well/Connected, and I thought I’d share footnotes for all the resources I mentioned. Key findings from the national survey of 14- to 22-year-olds focused on digital health and social media use, sponsored by Hopelab and Well Being Trust, which took a special look at people living with […]
Well Being Trust
Get Social Health
Janet Kennedy recently hosted me on the Get Social Health podcast, which focuses on how social media is being used to help hospitals, clinicians, caregivers, and patients connect and engage. We discuss how Twitter hashtags can be like camp fires, where people gather to tell stories, and why I have empathy for people who don’t […]
The business case for paying attention to teens
Three blockbuster reports focused on teens and technology have come out recently: Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018, by Monica Anderson and Jingjing Jiang (Pew Research Center) Digital Health Practices, Social Media Use, and Mental Well-Being Among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S., by Victoria Rideout and Susannah Fox (Hopelab and Well Being Trust) […]
Peer health advice among teens and young adults
Six years ago, the last time I had the opportunity to measure it, a Pew Research survey found that about two in ten U.S. adults have gone online to find people who might have health concerns similar to theirs. Now, in a report we published on July 31, a Hopelab/Well Being Trust survey of 14- to […]
Digital health practices among teens and young adults in the U.S.
I am thrilled to share new, national survey data on the digital health landscape. Thanks to funding and guidance from Hopelab and the Well Being Trust, Vicky Rideout and I measured how teens and young adults (14- to 22-year-olds) pursue health and well-being using the tools at their disposal — apps, peer advice, online communications […]
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