Jodi Sperber snapped this photo of an older man helping a younger man with his tie on the T in Boston. I love it and shared it online (after getting Jodi’s permission). Roni Zeiger was one friend I sent it to and he replied, “Networks of microexperts ready to help each other: you never know where […]
Help the helpers
Please join me in honoring and learning from caregivers, first by watching Sarah Kucharski’s powerful, personal story: Second, watch my talk about the bigger picture and how people can help: Now: what’s your story? What roles do you see for caregivers in health care or in your own life? Please share your thoughts […]
The unmentionables of health care
I plan to write more about my field trip to the future California, but for now here is the Storify I created about one incredible panel: Unmentionables 2013 at Health 2.0 Santa Clara. [<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “Unmentionables 2013” on Storify</a>]
Taking care (what I’m reading)
The following articles stopped me in my tracks this week, not least because they relate to my last report, “Family Caregivers are Wired for Health.” Please share what you’re reading — or your thoughts about these articles — in the comments. 1. Dementiaville: How an experimental new town is taking the elderly back to their happier […]
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