“If iron ore was the raw material that enriched the steel baron Andrew Carnegie in the Industrial Age, personal data is what fuels the barons of the Internet age.” – a line from Somini Sengupta’s article in the Sunday New York Times, “Letting Down Our Guard With Web Privacy.” I think personal data is fueling health […]
A New Conversation About Health Privacy: Who’s In?
Facebook has sparked a new debate about privacy and I think it’s time to bring it to health care. What does it mean when millions of people flock to share/overshare information, even as Facebook’s default privacy settings have slowly become openness settings (but the company maintains radio silence)? Pew Internet research shows that a sizeable […]
Privacy can kill, openness can heal–Susannah Fox
If you follow Jeff Jarvis on Twitter or read his blog, you know (maybe more than you wanted to) about his fight against prostate cancer. I’ve mostly paid attention to what he’s written about technology and journalism, but check out this excerpt from his post, The German privacy paradox: I prefer to turn the question […]
Patient Centered Health Information Technology–Susannah Fox
Does anyone else remember those Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials from the 1980s? “Your peanut butter is in my chocolate!” “Your chocolate is in my peanut butter!” I knew I was getting older when I referred to a partnership as a “two great tastes that taste great together” event and my younger colleague had no […]
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