This is a cross-post from my LinkedIn newsletter. Feel free to join the conversation there or post your thoughts in the comments below. Every single day, Emily Kramer-Golinkoff takes 30+ pills, plus insulin, and engages in hours of breathing treatments. She is a sought-after expert on patient-driven scientific discovery, having co-founded a nonprofit, Emily’s Entourage, that pursues breakthrough therapies for […]
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff
Waiting with open arms
I’m honoring the contributions of my community colleagues over the years by pulling out some of their best comments and quotes. Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, in response to “A field guide to The Diagnosis Difference” (2013): My advice to a person or parent of a child newly diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis would be: “I can only imagine […]
How did you find your people?
The internet gives us access not only to information, but also to each other. That deceptively simple insight, gained from years of research, contains so much of the hope I have for the future of health and health care. When we get sick or receive a new diagnosis, we often feel alone, but we shouldn’t. […]
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