I’m honoring the contributions of my community colleagues over the years by pulling out some of their best comments and quotes. Sally Okun, in response to “Hacking home health care” (2014) Just the other day I was getting the second pedicure of my life (although I may need to do that again soon) and the manicurist […]
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Family caregivers – a recipient’s perspective
Someone once told me that I “write to incite” and indeed, I am thrilled when a post resonates enough to inspire a conversation that often goes on longer and has more nuggets of insight than the original essay. I’d like to honor the contributions of my community colleagues over the years by pulling out some […]
Don’t immediately believe the mhealth hype – Dave Clifford
Carrying on the tradition of taking an epic comment and publishing it as a stand-alone post, I’m very happy to feature Dave Clifford’s take on the new mobile health data: I care very deeply about numbers and measuring what people are doing in reality versus expectations. I believe that polling is a useful quantitative tool […]
Visualize This: An e-Patient’s Medical Life History
The following was originally Katie McCurdy’s response to the excellent, ongoing discussion about the future for self-tracking. It’s too good not to elevate to a post of its own — Susannah. ____________________________________________________________________________ Katie’s self-crafted medical timeline (Click to enlarge; see story below) There is some recent thought that self-tracking or data gathering is “a manifestation of […]
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