I just published a quick take on who doesn’t gather health information online, including the stark finding that three-quarters of U.S. adults who have less than a high school education say they do not get health information online. One survey question I cited dates back to 2002, but I think it is still interesting. Here’s […]
Internet Users
Health 2.0 Europe: A Moveable Feast–Susannah Fox
Ernest Hemingway wrote that Paris is a moveable feast, not fixed in time or place. I think that describes great gatherings of any kind, including great conferences, which begin before the first speaker takes the stage and don’t end simply because the participants have left the building. Health 2.0 Europe began, for me, in February, […]
Participation Matters–Susannah Fox
In politics and in health care, participation matters as much as access. The passion we saw in the political campaigns last year is matched by the passion we see when someone is trying to save a life, find a better treatment, or just manage the health of a loved one. What are you doing in […]
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