“At one level, we just flipped a switch. It wasn’t a complicated, multi-faceted, variegated intervention. All we did was open up the doctor’s notes… Out of that came a cascade.” – Tom Delbanco talking about OpenNotes and how a seemingly simple change — allowing patients to view clinicians’ notes from their visits — is having […]
What if we stopped panicking and started solving the problem?
“What if, in the midst of a crisis in which workflows, policies, procedures, and operations must be altered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) could distribute an app to emergency departments as easily as a software developer submits an app to the Apple App Store?” – Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, talking so much sense about […]
“Pursue hope like it’s an outlaw.”
– Afternoon Napper during Rare Disease week in Washington, DC I love that line and that spirit — and this image captured by John Schinker because it looks like these zebras have formed a posse and are heading out on the trail together. When you hear hoofbeats, think “horses” but don’t rule out zebras.* And if you’re […]
“Learning is a lot more fun—and a lot more effective—when it’s social. Tweet & NEVER eat alone.”
— Mike Nelson, in one of 17 “nuggets” of wisdom he tweeted today. Click through on all the links. They’re worth your time.
As the new year incites a rush to become a “new, better and healthier you”…
“…we often do so learning from our peers. When it comes to illness-warranted behavior changes, as like seeks like, it’s often easier to make changes learned from fellow patients with whom you share the experience of a disease.” – Riva Greenberg, The Power of Patient-Expert Books (an article worth your time, particularly if your life […]
“As She Lay Dying” – a son calls on the health system to involve patients and families in improving safety
Warning: this doesn’t end well. Not for anyone in the story. Unless it changes you, as it did me. Jonathan Welch, MD, teaches at Harvard Medical School and practices in the ER at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. But, as is often the case in life, the information that really matters is more personal: […]
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