Michael Pollan’s answer to diet angst is to “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Is there an equivalent maxim for information angst? If not, does someone out there want to make one up? Because a new study published in Cancer argues that e-patients can take a common-sense approach to online health research and do […]
Visiting hours
An article in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal traces the history of visiting patients in hospitals in England, from the 18th century to the present. Sadia Ismail and Graham Mulley paint quite a picture in their opening lines: From 2 pm they gather at the entrance to the ward, occasionally drifting through […]
Wikipedia as an e-patient source–Susannah Fox
Read this quote and think about which industry is being admonished: “We cannot, however, continue to reject Wikipedia because we aren’t comfortable with the wiki process itself… To be quite frank, continually bad-mouthing Wikipedia to the very people who use it—successfully—makes us look a bit daft. It would be much more productive to teach [people] […]
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