This was my public declaration of priorities for spring 2018. Here’s my current one: Now.
Ted Eytan inspired me to create this page and he, in turn, was inspired by Derek Sivers.
First hurdle crossed: The data are in!
Vicky Rideout and I are analyzing the results of a national survey of adolescents and young adults (AYAs), sponsored by Hopelab and the Well Being Trust. The survey takes stock of AYAs’ use of social media to gather, share, and create health information, particularly related to emotional well-being and peer advice. No surprise, it is a fascinating data set, both in terms of the statistical results and responses to our open-end questions. I can’t wait to share the results, probably in early July 2018.
When I’m not deep in the data, I’ll be speaking at and attending a few events this spring and reconnecting with friends and colleagues at those meetings.
Current reading list:
- Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. Recommended by my son (and yes, I unfortunately saw the movie first). Escapist, good vs. evil epic, filled with 80s nostalgia — what’s not to like?
- Ask Me About My Uterus, by Abby Norman. It reads like a murder-mystery being solved by the victim — it’s that personal and gripping. I loved this passage:
“The patient who brings in a binder full of PubMed articles should be considered not so much for the specifics of what she has found, but for the fact that she has devoted so much time to the search…the very act of researching, and of supplying the fruits of that quest, is clinically relevant, if only because they are evidence of how the condition has affected the patient’s life.”
Featured image: Leap, by Melinda Huntley on Flickr.
Past Now pages: Feb-March 2018; January 2018; December 2017; November 2017; September 2017.
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