I think of New Year’s resolutions like birthday wishes — if I tell, they won’t come true. But I’m happy to share my methods and current inspirations:
My 3 words for 2010, by Chris Brogan
Find a Transcending Purpose to Motivate Your New Year’s Resolution, by Vic Strecher
The New Year’s Writing Resolution You Can Actually Keep, by Sonia Simone
If your resolution has something to do with behavior change, consider setting yourself up for success by using BJ Fogg’s Behavior Model.
And if you don’t know BJ and wonder if he’s a good guy, well, then read this:
Gifts that Return, by BJ Fogg
Finally, for further perspective, read:
Goal setting in the time of neurodegeneration, by Sara Riggare
Oh, what a funky web we weave, when days like this make life hard to believe!
Never heard of Vic Strecher til today. Then he emailed me, we talked on the phone, and you blogged about him. Then your post here took me over to Sara’s, where I posted this comment.
This is really interesting – because I met you AFTER those first goals became possible, and you’re the LAST person I’d ever think of as having no goals, no purpose!
I’m glad that Susannah Fox’s post brought me here. Her post also cited Vic Strecher, who just popped up in my inbox today! What’s going on here? And his odd new book is about philosophy and purpose … growing out of his daughter’s accidental medical death.
And then there’s the new essay in Esquire by Roger Ebert’s wife, about his day of passing. Remarking on it on Facebook, my good friend Lucy Jo Palladino PhD noted the words of Ram Dass: “We’re all just walking each other home.” Ram Dass was talking about how we’re all here for a limited time, on the journey together, in one sense or another.
And that ties to my conversation with Strecher this morning, in which he (a philosophy instructor) cited authenticity, which we agree is greatly heightened when a person discovers that the game is over, or might be soon. Seems to me that perhaps that’s what happened when you [Sara] realized your impending decline, and then got liberated by it, to be fully alive while you are alive.
Rock On, Sara! Boogie through every moment of joy you can find!
This makes me so happy. I love when the threads cross like this. One of my ideas for 2013 (not really a resolution) was to open up to these kinds of harmonics and follow my intuition more often. I’m glad that the year is closing out with a new example!
You are the BEST Connector I know. Except, not just in Gladwell’s sense… You don’t just know a lot of people – you touch a lot of thought threads, so when you talk about one, others vibrate. That kind of connector.
That’s why it’s so useful to speak something in your space, and to listen in. This blog is my ear peering into your cubicle as you have your really interesting visitors.